Сладости из сухих фруктов, Кишинев

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

Описание товара

Retail package in 3 product-lines of dried fruit :

unique collection of natural delicacies of dried fruit, being preared as desserts ready for consumpton.
2. FITNESS COCKTAIL® - Melanges of dried fruit consisting from 3, 4 and 8 positions of different dried fruits. The given series is made and positioned as a product for preparation of hot or soft drinks (kompots) - for restaurants, cafeterias, dining rooms or in house conditions
3. FITNESS EXTRA® - Separate positions of dried fruit: clear apples and pears, stoned plums and aronya blackberry, packaging - 200, 400 and 500 gr. Positioning - for the various culinary purposes.
Note: These product lines are developed by our company specifically for our market demands, based on geographical relevance. The products can be arranged and assorted as the customer indicates, including package weight and inscriptions.

Товары, похожие на Сладости из сухих фруктов

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Сладости из сухих фруктов