Дизайн интерьеров. Дизайн ресторанов., Кишинев
Описание товара
What Do We Offer?
We solve all the difficulties related to creation and implementation of your project for a very reasonable price.
Working with us you will make savings by dropping unnecessary objects, by optimizing expenditures on purchasing materials, furniture, lighting and due to our collaboration with specialized importers, etc.
The main goal of our work:
1. To create a proper and an effective project that meets customer demands.
2. To support project implementation.
Why us:
You choose us if you like our projects, we have already created them, and that means we have experience in their realization. We know how and what to do.
Our projects are beautiful and well thought out. The modules, dimensions, ergonomics and standards are respected.
We understand and respect your desires and expectations.
We will help you to avoid mistakes, will provide consultancy and solutions to solve several problems.
There is no problem without solution, as more restrictions as more interesting is the work. We like complicated projects that require special attachment.
We put at your disposal a comfortable office for meetings, for analyzing the process and the results, examples of materials, colors, textures, an impressive library in the domain and a good database of importers, manufacturers of custom furniture and of others at various prices. Also it is possible to meet at the object or at your office.
1. Apartments, cottages, villas, new constructions, reconstructions.
2. Commercial real estate: offices, shops and boutiques.
3. Public spaces: bars, restaurants, cinemas, conference rooms, lounges, saunas.
The style:
We follow the currents:
1. Contemporary
2. Classic
3. Art Deco
4. High-tech
5. Minimalist
Contemporary - also known as modern style. It is considered par excellence an urban style, where prevail functionality and simplicity.
We solve all the difficulties related to creation and implementation of your project for a very reasonable price.
Working with us you will make savings by dropping unnecessary objects, by optimizing expenditures on purchasing materials, furniture, lighting and due to our collaboration with specialized importers, etc.
The main goal of our work:
1. To create a proper and an effective project that meets customer demands.
2. To support project implementation.
Why us:
You choose us if you like our projects, we have already created them, and that means we have experience in their realization. We know how and what to do.
Our projects are beautiful and well thought out. The modules, dimensions, ergonomics and standards are respected.
We understand and respect your desires and expectations.
We will help you to avoid mistakes, will provide consultancy and solutions to solve several problems.
There is no problem without solution, as more restrictions as more interesting is the work. We like complicated projects that require special attachment.
We put at your disposal a comfortable office for meetings, for analyzing the process and the results, examples of materials, colors, textures, an impressive library in the domain and a good database of importers, manufacturers of custom furniture and of others at various prices. Also it is possible to meet at the object or at your office.
1. Apartments, cottages, villas, new constructions, reconstructions.
2. Commercial real estate: offices, shops and boutiques.
3. Public spaces: bars, restaurants, cinemas, conference rooms, lounges, saunas.
The style:
We follow the currents:
1. Contemporary
2. Classic
3. Art Deco
4. High-tech
5. Minimalist
Contemporary - also known as modern style. It is considered par excellence an urban style, where prevail functionality and simplicity.
Услуги, похожие на Дизайн интерьеров. Дизайн ресторанов.
Вы можете приобрести товар Дизайн интерьеров. Дизайн ресторанов. в интернет-магазине Smart Design, ООО через наш сайт. На данный момент товар находится в статусе "в наличии".
Организация Smart Design, ООО является зарегистрированным поставщиком на сайте BizOrg.su.
Служебная информация:
На нашей торговой площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный код. Smart Design, ООО имеет ID 11444. Дизайн интерьеров. Дизайн ресторанов. имеет код на сайте - 55488. Если у вас обнаружились сложности при сотрудничестве с компанией Smart Design, ООО – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу по работе с клиентами.
Дата создания модели - 28/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 20/11/2013. С начала размещения товар был просмотрен 171 раз.