Delivery flowers in all regions of Moldova, Кишинев
Описание товара
How to order:
1.Online, on our site
2. Floral shop on the street I Creanga 6/2, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
3. On the telephone (+373 22 862121; +373 78862121), the previous order, with payment on delivery.
About delivery:
We deliver in all localities in Moldova, including Chisinau and villages. Delivery across Chisinau is free 24/24 (orders exceeding 500 lei). Minimum order for delivery is 150 lei. Delivery cost in Chisinau- 59 lei. Suburbs of Chisinau - 79 lei. Delivery to other destinations of the country- 4,5 lei / km (order do at least 1 days before delivery)
When orders are received?
You can place an order from Monday to Friday; from 9h to 21h (orders received in advance are welcome, at least 1 day before delivery). Orders for Saturday and Sunday are received from Monday to Friday. Delivery 24/24 in Chisinau
How long time it takes to deliver an order?
The delivery is made only after the payment. Delivery time depends on the order of bouquet that you want. If the order is simple, delivery is made during the 1h-2h, for Chisinau.
If the order was made at least 1 day before delivery, you can choose any time of the day for delivery 24/24.
How the order is delivered?
Courier delivers the orders in the smartest way. Also you can choose anonymous delivery!
How to pay??
1Payment online with credit card?!
2. Western Union, Moneygram, Anelik, Contact, UniStream, Zolotaya Korona, RIA Money Transfer, Moldova Express , Unistream!
3.Payment for legal entities?
4.Cash to the manager or in our office (for Kishinev)?!
Once you've chosen the perfect gift (bouquet, floral arrangements, and accessories) must add to cart and confirm your order by filling the order and payment:
1. Payment online with credit card by HiPay !
Choosing online payment card, the next step is to insert data card: card number, card expiration date and code. Checkout button and type the command is performed. This method is very safe, security is guaranteed of payment systems.
2. Western Union, Moneygram, Anelik, Contact, UniStream, Zolotaya Korona, RIA Money Transfer, Moldova Express!
To pay by this payment method, contact us at the one of the contact numbers (+373 22 862121, +373 78862121) or by e-mail and get the necessaryinformation to perform the transfer?
3 Payment for legal entities?
This payment is made in case of legal entities.?
4.Cash to the manager or in our office (for Kishinev)?!
The payment to the courier shall be made on the address specified in the stock on order one day before the delivery date.
The courier's services of departure within Chisinau city are for free, from 500 lei.
1.Online, on our site
2. Floral shop on the street I Creanga 6/2, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
3. On the telephone (+373 22 862121; +373 78862121), the previous order, with payment on delivery.
About delivery:
We deliver in all localities in Moldova, including Chisinau and villages. Delivery across Chisinau is free 24/24 (orders exceeding 500 lei). Minimum order for delivery is 150 lei. Delivery cost in Chisinau- 59 lei. Suburbs of Chisinau - 79 lei. Delivery to other destinations of the country- 4,5 lei / km (order do at least 1 days before delivery)
When orders are received?
You can place an order from Monday to Friday; from 9h to 21h (orders received in advance are welcome, at least 1 day before delivery). Orders for Saturday and Sunday are received from Monday to Friday. Delivery 24/24 in Chisinau
How long time it takes to deliver an order?
The delivery is made only after the payment. Delivery time depends on the order of bouquet that you want. If the order is simple, delivery is made during the 1h-2h, for Chisinau.
If the order was made at least 1 day before delivery, you can choose any time of the day for delivery 24/24.
How the order is delivered?
Courier delivers the orders in the smartest way. Also you can choose anonymous delivery!
How to pay??
1Payment online with credit card?!
2. Western Union, Moneygram, Anelik, Contact, UniStream, Zolotaya Korona, RIA Money Transfer, Moldova Express , Unistream!
3.Payment for legal entities?
4.Cash to the manager or in our office (for Kishinev)?!
Once you've chosen the perfect gift (bouquet, floral arrangements, and accessories) must add to cart and confirm your order by filling the order and payment:
1. Payment online with credit card by HiPay !
Choosing online payment card, the next step is to insert data card: card number, card expiration date and code. Checkout button and type the command is performed. This method is very safe, security is guaranteed of payment systems.
2. Western Union, Moneygram, Anelik, Contact, UniStream, Zolotaya Korona, RIA Money Transfer, Moldova Express!
To pay by this payment method, contact us at the one of the contact numbers (+373 22 862121, +373 78862121) or by e-mail and get the necessaryinformation to perform the transfer?
3 Payment for legal entities?
This payment is made in case of legal entities.?
4.Cash to the manager or in our office (for Kishinev)?!
The payment to the courier shall be made on the address specified in the stock on order one day before the delivery date.
The courier's services of departure within Chisinau city are for free, from 500 lei.
Услуги, похожие на Delivery flowers in all regions of Moldova
Вы можете оформить заказ на «Delivery flowers in all regions of Moldova» в организации «LIVRARE FLORI, S.R.L.» через наш каталог БизОрг. Цена составляет 420 MDL (минимальный заказ 1 ед.). Сейчас предложение находится в статусе "в наличии".
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- Где узнать более подробную информацию об организации «LIVRARE FLORI, S.R.L.»?Для получения подробных даных об организации перейдите в правом верхнем углу по ссылке с названием фирмы. Затем перейдите на нужную вкладку с описанием.
- Предложение указано с ошибками, контактный номер телефона не отвечает и т.п.Если у вас появились проблемы при взаимодействии с «LIVRARE FLORI, S.R.L.» – сообщите идентификаторы организации (9295) и товара/услуги (53883) в нашу службу поддержки пользователей.
Служебная информация
«Delivery flowers in all regions of Moldova» можно найти в следующей категории: «Доставка цветов, общее».
Предложение было создано 28.08.2013, дата последнего обновления - 20.11.2013.
За это время предложение было просмотрено 210 раз.