Curatirea frigiderului in Moldova, Кишинев

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за 1 ед.

Описание товара

Shower Curtains and Bath Mats Like tubs and enclosures, shower curtains and bath mats are subject to mildew. Fortunately, they're easy to clean. The following tips should help make this chore a breeze:
Keep a new shower curtain looking fresh by using the old shower curtain as a liner. Hang the new curtain on the same hooks in front of the old curtain. The old curtain will take the beating from water and soap scum while the new one stays clean.
To prevent shower curtains from wrinkling, put them in the washing machine with 1/2 cup of detergent and 1/2 cup of baking soda, along with two large bath towels. Add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle; hang the curtains up immediately after washing, and let them air-dry.
When you clean a plastic shower curtain, keep it soft and flexible by adding a few drops of mineral oil to the rinse water. Maintain its softness by wiping it occasionally with a solution of warm water and mineral oil.
Eliminate mildew by spraying newly washed shower curtains with a disinfectant.
Cleaning the shower curtain in your bathroom can be done with disinfectant spray.
©2006 Publications International, Ltd.
Disinfectant will wipe out mildew on your shower curtain.
Clean a rubber or vinyl bath mat by tossing it into the washer with bath towels. The terry cloth scrubs the mat, and everything comes out clean.
Onward to the most dreaded task of all: cleaning your toilet.

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Служебная информация:

На нашей площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный ID. Igiena Professional Cleaning, SRL имеет ID 600. Curatirea frigiderului in Moldova имеет ID на сайте - 105261. Если у вас возникли сложности при работе с компанией Igiena Professional Cleaning, SRL – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу технической поддержки.

Дата создания модели - 28/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 20/11/2013. За все время товар был просмотрен 217 раз.

Curatirea frigiderului in Moldova