Association of Wine Export - DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION,(AWE-DP)Ассоциация, Кишинев
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Association of Wine Export - DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION,(AWE-DP)Ассоциация
The “Association for Wine Export Development and Promotion” (AWE-DP), would like to thank all vhe visitors from all over the world (from 34 countries) for visiting our booth Nr: 3CC25, on 3-6 November 2009, in Hong Kong.
Thank you for tasting our premium and collection wines such as: Carlevana brand, Firebird Legend, Auriu and Negru de Purcari (collection wines), sparkling-red wines and champagnes and many other famous brands.
During the Wine Fair in Hong Kong, our Association “AWE-DP” promoted more than 20 different brands of wine, belonging to the first ten, the best wineries from Moldova.
After a fruitful conversation with Mr. Raymond Yip, the Assistant Executive Director of the Trade Development Council of Hong Kong, our association decided to promote more agressively our Moldavian premium wines, which in many cases, overpass the quality of the French premium wines.
Given the fact that, Moldova is located at the same latitude as Bordeaux, France, we have the best lands in Europe and a wonderful climate for growing grapes. The inhabitants of these lands have known the taste of good wine since the days of the Romans and even before them. Long time ago, Moldova was once an ancient Roman colony. The Romans had an immense influence on the methods of local winemaking and wine consumption traditions. Our vineyards, especially those from Central and South of Moldova are treated according to French and Italian technologies of making wines. Many types of grapes were imported in the past from France, such as: cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot noir, chardonnay, sauvignon-blank, while the equipment for making wine is imported from Italy.
About one month ago, the Moldovan Government removed the main barriers in regards to the wine export and that’s why we have participated at the Wine & Spirits Fair, in Hong Kong this year.
The President of AWE-DP
Vlad Railean

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Дата регистрации компании «Association of Wine Export - DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION,(AWE-DP)Ассоциация» на BizOrg - 28.08.2013. За все это время не было получено ни одной претензии, что говорит о компании только с положительной стороны.
Кратко о компании:
- 4 предложения в 3 категориях («Перевозки спирта,вина,виноматериалов» и т.д.);
- после регистрации предложения «Association of Wine Export - DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION,(AWE-DP)Ассоциация» были просмотрены не меньше, чем 818 раз. Самое популярное из них - «Выставки винные в Молдове» ;
- компания предлагает доступные условия для пользователей сайта БизОрг;
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