Mobile SRL, Кишинев

Тип компании:
Не указан   
Молдова,Кишинев,2002, ул. Колумна 174

Общая информация

Mobile SRL

Mobile SRL it was established in 1994 to service local fashion retail market, before opening a workshop in 1997 which was manufacturing small series of individually designed womenswear.
Since 2006 Mobile has become a significant manufacture and exporter of completetivly priced, high quality and reliably delivered garments to a number of EU countries. Production is based within a network of three factories, each of them highly specialized and equped with state-of-the-art tehnology.
Within about 260 employees, the factories of annually produce:
* 50000 highly sophisticated dresses
* 60000 delicate blouses
* 50000 skirts
To meet client demands, Mobile has developed the abilitty to provide high quality making up and finishing techniques.
The Mobile SRL has the potential for futher growth in capacity other next few years.
To futher services and meet the growing demand of our clients in high quality fashion garments we are currently developing a full pachage service.
Using our extensive network of fabric and accessories suppliers world wide.
The whole network of production is equipped with specialized state-of-the-art equipment and the company employs a policy of continues investment to maintain its competitive advantage.


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Телефоны компании Mobile SRL, Кишинев
+373 (22) 593686, 242134
Отдел маркетинга
+373 (79) 506884
Адрес компании компании Mobile SRL, Кишинев
Молдова,Кишинев,2002, ул. Колумна 174
Время работы

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Дата регистрации компании «Mobile SRL» на BizOrg - 28.08.2013. За все это время не было получено ни одной претензии, что говорит о компании только с положительной стороны.

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  • Одно предложение в одной категории («Одежда» и т.д.);
  • после регистрации предложения «Mobile SRL» были просмотрены не меньше, чем 214 раз. Самое популярное из них - «Одежда» ;
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