Машины и оборудование для отделки полов, Кишинев

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Предложение добавлено 10.03.2017;
  • Уникальный код - 17103821;
  • Количество просмотров - 122;
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Машины и оборудование для отделки полов
EXPANDER 1000 TOP is the only floor grinding machine in the world with 6 (not lined up)grinding heads (Klindex Patent) that allows a perfect planarity of the surface and a perfect balance of the machine during the work.
It is the ideal floor machine for working in large areas like commercial and industrial areas.
Main characteristics:
- Innovative electronic system to change tools (patented). Simply pushing a button, the "grinding head" rotates of 90° allowing a fast and easy change of tools.
- Telescopic frame to reduce the dimensions for more manoeuvrability in narrow areas.
- Strong gear box with thermotreated steel gears for a longer life.
- Adjustable working pressure / Grinding Head Pressure from 500 up to 1250 kg
- Adjustable inclination of the Grinding / Planetary Head to allow a bigger frontal cutting.
- "Drive on" operator to work without getting tired.
- Multidirectional joy-stick and Radio Remote Control (optional) for an easy work.
- Maximum silence during the work.
- Third extractable front wheel for easy transportation and to climb into the van.
- Automatic traction with battery on board to move the machine without power generator.
- QUICK ATTACK SYSTEM to change tools without hammer or tools. Only with your hands!

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Машины и оборудование для отделки полов