Curatirea monitoarelor ЖК LCD, Кишинев
Описание товара
Igiena Professional Cleaning, SRL presteaza servicii de curatire
Flat screen monitors, whether in LCD, LED, or plasma form, are a little different than their CRT cousins when it comes to cleaning. Your standard CRT monitor has a glass screen and can be cleaned in pretty much the same way as you would any other glass in your home or office.
Flat screen monitors, however, require a bit of special care when cleaning. Their displays are much more sensitive and are easily scratched and damaged. The same applies to your flat screen television.
Flat screen monitors, whether in LCD, LED, or plasma form, are a little different than their CRT cousins when it comes to cleaning. Your standard CRT monitor has a glass screen and can be cleaned in pretty much the same way as you would any other glass in your home or office.
Flat screen monitors, however, require a bit of special care when cleaning. Their displays are much more sensitive and are easily scratched and damaged. The same applies to your flat screen television.
Товары, похожие на Curatirea monitoarelor ЖК LCD
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Заявленная компанией Igiena Professional Cleaning, SRL цена товара «Curatirea monitoarelor ЖК LCD» может не быть окончательной ценой продажи. Для получения подробной информации о наличии и стоимости указанных товаров и услуг, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с представителями компании Igiena Professional Cleaning, SRL по указанным телефону или адресу электронной почты.