Оборудование для тепловых электростанций, Кишинев
Описание товара
Information about the object: Offer to sell licenses on invention or complete an assignment of a patent for an invention "Method and device for the manufacturing of electrical energy".
The invention relates to energy, in particular electricity generation in turbine thermal power generators with critical and ultra critical parameters of steam.
The proposed invention is aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency in the production of electrical energy by extracting heat from (latent) steam condensation of the "waste" of this production, improvement of the environment.
The advantages of this technology:
- improving the efficiency and economy of electric energy production;
- reducing fuel burn at 30%;
- reduction of the cost of the electricity supplied to the consumers;
- reduction of thermal emissions in atmosphere;
- improvement of the environment in the region.
The purpose of the invention achieves success due to the fact that the proposed method and device for the manufacturing of electrical energy production involves the utilization of heat energy (latent) steam condensation in the main Turbo thermal power plants path by cooling steam in rasorbere and this is vaporization (latent) liquid working body. The latent heat of steam condensation is not emitted into the atmosphere, and is returned in steam-power circuit (see fig. 3) for additional mechanical work, for example, in volume replacement of the turbine type.
Does not require other working bodies and additional machines.
Price: Discusses.
Additional information: If you are interested in this offer, please contact us by phone:+ (373) 22-49-45-41 or email ivin.goncea@yandex.ru
Товары, похожие на Оборудование для тепловых электростанций
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На нашей торговой площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный код. Enel-Gonceariuc, I.I.(Енел Гончарюк ИП) имеет ID 3608. Оборудование для тепловых электростанций имеет код на сайте - 105338. Если у вас обнаружились сложности при сотрудничестве с компанией Enel-Gonceariuc, I.I.(Енел Гончарюк ИП) – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу по работе с клиентами.
Дата создания модели - 28/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 20/11/2013. С начала размещения товар был просмотрен 197 раз.