Душевая система New Tempesta System, Унгень
Описание товара
New Tempesta System
Идеальный выбор для современных ванных комнат
With its crisp, cylindrical profile and distinctive beveled detailing, the newTempesta Cosmopolitan Shower System is the perfect choice for modern, architectural bathrooms.
Like all GROHE shower systems, it is easy to install and packed with great technology. The 160mm head shower can be swivelled to create the perfect angle while the hand shower features two spray patterns including the new air-infused GROHE Rain O2 spray. GROHE DreamSpray® creates a perfect spray pattern to ensure maximum showering satisfaction. The thermostat'sGROHE TurboStat® technology means you can take a luxurious shower secure in the knowledge the water will stay at the pre-selected temperature even if the water pressure changes.
Идеальный выбор для современных ванных комнат
With its crisp, cylindrical profile and distinctive beveled detailing, the newTempesta Cosmopolitan Shower System is the perfect choice for modern, architectural bathrooms.
Like all GROHE shower systems, it is easy to install and packed with great technology. The 160mm head shower can be swivelled to create the perfect angle while the hand shower features two spray patterns including the new air-infused GROHE Rain O2 spray. GROHE DreamSpray® creates a perfect spray pattern to ensure maximum showering satisfaction. The thermostat'sGROHE TurboStat® technology means you can take a luxurious shower secure in the knowledge the water will stay at the pre-selected temperature even if the water pressure changes.
Товары, похожие на Душевая система New Tempesta System
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