Системы энергопитания 19" Stand Alone Type Cabinets, Кишинев
Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.
- Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
- Дата добавления 11.03.2017;
- Уникальный идентификатор - 17107817;
- Количество просмотров - 106;
Описание товара
Системы энергопитания 19" Rack Cabinets
19" Stand Alone Type Cabinets (WxD=600x600) (WxD=600x800)
Inforack 19" stand alone type cabinets are designed to cover all the requirements and demands of the market with aesthetic looking. The construction of the cabinets are strong and reliable for protection against any kind of harm. The cabinets are protected against dust entries. There are ventilation holes on the upper chassis of the cabinets for Fan module installations and necessary air circulation. On the lower chassis, there are holes for cable entries. The structure of these holes with gasket cover prevent the dust entry in the cabinet and provides the easy fixing of the cables on the cabinet. Front door glass is standard on the unit.
19" Stand Alone Type Cabinets (WxD=600x600) (WxD=600x800)
Inforack 19" stand alone type cabinets are designed to cover all the requirements and demands of the market with aesthetic looking. The construction of the cabinets are strong and reliable for protection against any kind of harm. The cabinets are protected against dust entries. There are ventilation holes on the upper chassis of the cabinets for Fan module installations and necessary air circulation. On the lower chassis, there are holes for cable entries. The structure of these holes with gasket cover prevent the dust entry in the cabinet and provides the easy fixing of the cables on the cabinet. Front door glass is standard on the unit.
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Заявленная компанией Rapid Link, SRL цена товара «Системы энергопитания 19 Stand Alone Type Cabinets» может не быть окончательной ценой продажи. Для получения подробной информации о наличии и стоимости указанных товаров и услуг, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с представителями компании Rapid Link, SRL по указанным телефону или адресу электронной почты.