Dried Fruits for export company Grordincom SRL, Кишинев
Описание товара
Company GORDIN® stands for uncompromising quality of dried fruits and vegetables dried on dehydrated on electrical energy and has always been remarkable for its impeccable quality. Starting with the foundation date in 2000, GORDIN® constantly introduces in the process of production high technologies for the purpose of achievement of the highest quality of dried products. We are leaders in the market of Moldova, thanks to high quality and assortment of the dried product. The dried product is 100% a natural product dried up on installations with application of Infra Red-radiation, based on our own technology.
Our product does not contain extraneous impurity and smells, based on the ecologically clean technology based of electric energy.Gordin® dried fruits have initially been created as components of a healthy diet, with fully natural, balanced and safe products. Dried fruits are rich in easily assimilable microcells, carbohydrates, antioxidants, pectinaceous substances, and many other specific nutriotion elements.
Товары, похожие на Dried Fruits for export company Grordincom SRL
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Компания Gordincom, SRL является зарегистрированным поставщиком на сайте BizOrg.su.
Служебная информация:
На нашей площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный ID. Gordincom, SRL имеет ID 4402. Dried Fruits for export company Grordincom SRL имеет ID на сайте - 29429. Если у вас возникли сложности при работе с компанией Gordincom, SRL – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу технической поддержки.
Дата создания модели - 10/03/2017, дата последнего изменения - 10/03/2017. За все время товар был просмотрен 262 раза.