Hotels in Moldova, Кишинев
Описание товара
We have the pleasure to inform you about the activity of the IRIS Hotel.
Welcome to Hotel Iris , a wonderful hotel which is located on Petricani 17 street near to the DAAC HERMES center, SUPRATEN, Crinela ,Bucuria, several banks, shopping centers ,nonprofit organizations, skating center IceBravo. Close to Stefan cel Mare boulevard there are only 5 minutes of the North bus station and 2 minutes from the railway station.
IRIS Hotel offers its guests everything required for a comfortable stay in Chisinau. The hotel is located conveniently in the central business area and it is an ideal choice for accommodation during a business trip or a holiday visit in Moldova.
Our 32 comfortable rooms corresponding to the modern requirements for a 3-star hotel are equipped with satellite TV ,air conditioning, Mini-Bar, Safe box, Wi-Fi Internet connection. The price includes as well the following sevices: breakfast included, parking, transfer from the hotel to the airport, interpreter services, laundry, tickets booking, information on air flights.
Friendly staff is always on hand to help with your requirements. Whether you are here for business or pleasure you will find cosy ambience compatible with your requirement .This 3 hotel is located in the one of the most business developed area.
Services included in price:
*Wi-Fi Internet
*Satellite TV
*Interpreter services
*Room services
*Booking of plane tickets.
We confirm with all the certitude the fact that the nice ambiance of the hotel, the services offered by the high qualified staff and also the rooms with a modern design represent your perfect choice for your business stay in our country.
We are worthy of your choice!
Welcome to IRIS HOTEL!
Welcome to Hotel Iris , a wonderful hotel which is located on Petricani 17 street near to the DAAC HERMES center, SUPRATEN, Crinela ,Bucuria, several banks, shopping centers ,nonprofit organizations, skating center IceBravo. Close to Stefan cel Mare boulevard there are only 5 minutes of the North bus station and 2 minutes from the railway station.
IRIS Hotel offers its guests everything required for a comfortable stay in Chisinau. The hotel is located conveniently in the central business area and it is an ideal choice for accommodation during a business trip or a holiday visit in Moldova.
Our 32 comfortable rooms corresponding to the modern requirements for a 3-star hotel are equipped with satellite TV ,air conditioning, Mini-Bar, Safe box, Wi-Fi Internet connection. The price includes as well the following sevices: breakfast included, parking, transfer from the hotel to the airport, interpreter services, laundry, tickets booking, information on air flights.
Friendly staff is always on hand to help with your requirements. Whether you are here for business or pleasure you will find cosy ambience compatible with your requirement .This 3 hotel is located in the one of the most business developed area.
Services included in price:
*Wi-Fi Internet
*Satellite TV
*Interpreter services
*Room services
*Booking of plane tickets.
We confirm with all the certitude the fact that the nice ambiance of the hotel, the services offered by the high qualified staff and also the rooms with a modern design represent your perfect choice for your business stay in our country.
We are worthy of your choice!
Welcome to IRIS HOTEL!
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«Hotels in Moldova» и другие подобные предложения можно найти в категории: «Услуги отеля».
Предложение было создано 28.08.2013, дата последнего обновления - 20.11.2013.
С начала размещения предложение было просмотрено 226 раз.