Плата OptiMIX 8 Microphone Preamplifier, Кишинев

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 11.03.2017;
  • Уникальный идентификатор - 17113079;
  • Количество просмотров - 125;
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Описание товара

OptiMIX 8 Microphone Preamplifier








OptiMIX 8 is a microprocessor-controlled microphone preamplifier (mixer), designed to provide automatic mixing functions for installed sound, courtrooms, public broadcast, multimedia classroom and conference application with complete functions, easy operation and clear sound.

 -It has eight microphone inputs with automatic processing and one line input.

 -All the microphone inputs has the independent gain, gate and priority control which allows to connect to sources with both mic and line level.

 -OptiMIX 8 automatically keeps the number of open microphones to a minimum, making background noise and feedback under control and providing improved clarity and audio quality.

OptiMIX 8 can connect to the multichannel recording equipment via unprocessed line outputs. -

  • Eight balanced inputs for microphone and line-level signals
  • 48V microphones phantom power switchable on all channels
  • Individual gain control on each channel
  • Gate attenuation (adjustable)
  • Force-On/Off function &ndash- dedicated outputs where voltage appears/disappears when the associated input&rsquo-s gate opens or turns on/off (external interface for additional peripheral equipment)
  • Selectable NOMA (Number of Open Microphones Attenuated) circuitry helps control feedback
  • Priority pre-select feature allows priority of each microphone to be independently assigned
  • Microphone activity indication
  • Compression and limitation adjustable on every channel
  • Mixed output with level indicator for public address or other devices
  • Separated eight analog outputs for multichannel recording equipment
  • Separated eight digital outputs with the transmission of sound to the computer via USB 2.0
  • RS-232 data port for PC microphone control provided by optional control panel
  • Built-in USB hub with possibility of auxiliary devices connection
  • Integrated camera decoding protocols with other brands, such as Sony, Panasonic, Samsung and etc.
  • Optional camera tracking system available
  • Headphone output with volume control for monitoring of live sound and recording through channel
  • Linking expandable up to 15 units (up to 120 channels) 120 microphones 20. A single 19"- rack mountable


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Плата OptiMIX 8 Microphone Preamplifier