Banking Assistance, Кишинев
Описание товара
The necessary documentation requested for international funding is different for each individual program. Through these services eConsulting offer support to companies interested in acquiring funding contracts within the various number of projects existing on the local market.
When contracting a credit, companies face difficulties related to documents and procurement contracts. Frequently, the contracts do not stipulate the conditions of purchasing process or include conditions that are not supported by the financing bodies. Services offered by eConsulting include a detailed analysis of the financed project and its contractual clauses and comes up with ideas and options for procurement process, which needs to be included in those contracts. Successful implementation of investment projects is a priority for any company and the efficiency of these projects is eConsulting's priority.
eConsulting support is at excellence when you call for funding programs such as:
BEI - Filiere du Vin, etc.
Each of these funding programs is focused on the accuracy of financial documentation development and compliance with the requirements imposed by each of them. The knowledge accumulated by eConsulting will help you to save time for preparing documents and will focus on the eligibility criteria of each project.
To apply for the eConsulting consultancy services related to the preparation of the documentation packages for financing institutions (banks), please contact one of the eConsulting experts, who will happily schedule an appointment. The form INTERESTED? GET YOUR QUOTE is the simplest and the most convenient way of contacting our experts. We ensure you that our consultants will come back to you in the shortest time possible.
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Часто задаваемые вопросы:
- Как сделать заказ
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Служебная информация
- «Banking Assistance» и другие подобные предложения можно найти в категориях: «Услуги в сфере консалтинга», «Финансовый консалтинг, бизнес консультирование», «Бизнес консалтинг»;
- Дата создания предложения - 10.03.2017, дата последнего обновления - 10.03.2017;
- За это время предложение было просмотрено 224 раза.