Business Planning, Кишинев

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Описание товара

A Business Plan is a document that describes the strategy that will be applied by the enterprise, or in other words, is a project of company development. Its main purpose is to serve as a management tool for enterprises' administration. Moreover, it represents a documented proposal that is presented to potential investors or within a financing project.

The content of the business plan differs according to the purpose for which it was developed, like business characteristics or other issues that are included in its composition. Generally, the structure of a business plan includes:

  1. Summary.

  2. Description of enterprise's activity.

  3. Financial analysis of the enterprise.

  4. Products and services.

  5. Customers.

  6. Analysis of competition.

  7. The strategy and marketing plan.

  8. The staff and the organizational structure.

  9. The plan of organization and production technologies.

  10. Financial forecast.

  11. Risks and ways of reducing them.

eConsulting Business Plans are developed by qualified consultants that use their experience in the presentation of projects to institutional investors, banks and other lenders. Therefore, this provides an increase insurance in convincing future partners and conclude projects' agreements for the company.

The Business Plan developed by eConsulting serves for:

  • Applying for an operational funding for company;

  • Obtaining a subsidy from the Government;

  • Getting loans for local projects (FIDA, PAC, JNPGA, MoSeff, RISP, PARE 1+1, Compact Project, etc.);

  • Business Plans for the enterprise development;

  • Business Plans for newly created enterprises (Start-Up);

  • Contracting an investment credit from a bank or other financial institution

For the development of a business plan, please contact one of the eConsulting experts, who will be happy to schedule an appointment. The form INTERESTED? GET YOUR QUOTE is the simplest and the most convenient way of contacting our experts. We ensure you that our consultants will come back to you in the shortest time possible.

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На нашей торговой площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный код. Eficient Consulting, SRL имеет ID 14132. Business Planning имеет код на сайте - 102982. Если у вас обнаружились сложности при сотрудничестве с компанией Eficient Consulting, SRL – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу по работе с клиентами.

Товар был добавлен на сайт 10/03/2017, дата последнего изменения - 10/03/2017. С начала размещения товар был просмотрен 208 раз.

Business Planning