Financial Economic Analysis, Кишинев

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 10.03.2017;
  • Код предложения - 17090909;
  • Количество просмотров - 164;
Выбираете, где выгоднее заказать услугу или купить товар? “Financial Economic Analysis”, цену уточняйте. Предложение имеет статус в наличии.

Описание товара

The economic and financial analysis is a widely used diagnostic modality to understand the current situation of a company. It is based on relationships among different variables of financial results and balance sheet of the company.

First, it is necessary to calculate a series of financial indicators, for which are required information from the financial report and balance sheet. Once the indicators, which are independent of company size, are calculated, a progressive analysis can be performed to reveal potential problems that are faced by the business.

The economic and financial analysis includes recommendations, which solve identified problems and constraints. In addition, these bring success and boost performance of the company.

Enterprises seek to know their economic situation, based on their financial indicators, for various reasons:

  • Before any new loan that may increase the level of financial obligation;

  • In order to present to the associates company's the evolution from one period to another;

  • To benchmark the administration with one company to another in the same sector;

  • To analyze the additional debt capacity of an enterprise.

eConsulting focuses on:

  • Liquidity analysis;

  • Profitability analysis;

  • Analysis of balance sheets;

  • Solvency analysis;

  • Return on assets analysis;

  • Turnover assets analysis.

For the development of a financial-economic analysis for your company, please contact one of the eConsulting experts, who will happily schedule an appointment. The form INTERESTED? GET YOUR QUOTE is the simplest and the most convenient way of contacting our experts. We ensure you that our consultants will come back to you in the shortest time possible.

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Financial Economic Analysis