Rail and sea forwarding/ transportation services from Poland/Turkey to Russia, Kazakhstan, Tadjikist, Кишинёв
Описание товара
Rail and sea forwarding/ transportation services from Poland/Turkey to Russia, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistand, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, CIS countries, Afganistan, Mongolia, Finland.
The main activity of our company is goods transportation from Turkey and EU to CIS countries.
The transportation of the goods from Turkey to CIS countries can be accomplished in several ways:
) by ferry Derince (Turcia) — Ilyichevsk (Ucraina) and Varna (Bulgaria) — Ilyichevsk (Ucraina). In this case the goods are loaded directly in CIS wagons, in Halkali or Derince. The next step is the transportation of the wagons by the ferry to the Ilyichevsk port. From Ilyichevsk the wagons can reach their final destination.
) by Turkish wagons in Halkali station and transshipment in CIS wagons Ungheni station (R. Moldova). The special equipment owned by Ungheni station allows the transshipment of European wagons into CIS wagons.
) vessel transportation from Turkey to nearby ports in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia etc. where the goods are afterwards transshipped in the CIS wagons. This transportation option is considered in case of big transported volume. In this case Simplextrans responsibility is: loading the vessel in one of the Turkish ports, transshipment, finalizing the transportation documents, and sea transportation to one of the CIS ports. In CIS ports, the goods can be transshipped to wagons or trucks, rail or truck transportation.
) truck transportation with transshipment in wagons in one of the railway stations located in Georgia. This solution is recommended for transportations loaded in the eastern part of Turkey and transported to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan or Tajikistan. The goods are transported from Turkey to Batumi or Poti stations located in Georgia, where it is transshipped in wagons. In this case there is also ferry solution for Baku —Turkmenbashi and Baku — Aktau transportation.
) container transportation by sea with the transshipment of the containers on the railway platform. The empty container is provided to the customer at the loading point. The loaded container is transported to one of the Turkish ports, where it is loaded on a vessel and transported to the CIS port. In the CIS port the container is unloaded from the vessel, loaded on the railway platform and transported to the final destination. In this case, the transportation can be done in the client container, the vessel company’s container, or a container purchased in Turkey
) container transportation by sea with the transshipment of the containers on the CIS wagons. This option is different to the previous one by the fact that in the CIS port the goods are unloaded from container and are transshipped to the CIS wagons
The transportation of the goods from EU can be accomplished in the following ways:
1. ) Transportation by truck of the goods from EU to Poland, Slovakia or Baltic countries and the transshipment of the goods on the CIS wagons. At customer request, Simplextrans can perform the transportation from customer warehouses to the terminals nearby the CIS boundaries, the transshipment of the goods into CIS wagons and completing the transportation/export documentation.
2. ) By using CIS wagons for transportation from customer location to the CIS — on contract basis with Lvov, Moldova or Belarus railways Simplextrans can provide to the customers CIS wagons to EU locations. In this case the transshipment of the wagons is no more necessary.
3. ) By transshipment of the EU wagons to the CIS wagons in the railway stations located at CIS boundaries.
Below are listed the advantages and the disadvantages of the transporting options:
№ Transporting option Advantages Disadvantages
1 Ferry from Denice (Turkey) — Ilyichevk (Ukraine) or Varna (Bulgaria) — Ilyichevsk (Ukraine)
— cargo loading is done directly in CIS wagon, avoiding the transshipment and therefore the spoiling of the packaging is minimized
— special discounts for the cargos with weight over 50 tons
— the option of loading more than 60 tons in a wagon
— high prices for the cargoes of less than 50 tons weight
— ferry transportation is rare, and therefore there is a risk of long staying of wagons in ports which increases the transportation time
— there is a risk of providing the necessary wagons in the appropriate time
— the necessity of submitting transportation forms 10-15 days before shipment
2 Transportation by using Turkish wagons with transshipment into CIS wagons in Ungheni (R. Moldova)
— reliable providing with wagons
— low transportation prices for cargoes less than 50 tons
— minimal transportation time — necessity of transshipment increases the risk of the spoiling of the packaging
— the maximum admitted weight in European wagons of 51.5 tons
Vessel + wagon/truck — this is the cheapest option for big cargoes, especially for a long-distance transportation (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Turkmenistan etc)
— relatively short transportation time compared to the high amount cargoes
— possibility of transporting extra-sized cargoes
— necessity of transshipment in CIS wagons increases the risk of the spoiling of the packaging
— this option is available only for big cargoes
4 Truck transportation with wagon transshipment in Poti or Batumi stations (Georgia) — best prices for transportation from eastern Turkey to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan etc.
— trucks are provided for loading in short time
— high number of wagons in Georgian stations
— necessity of transshipment from trucks into CIS wagons increases the risk of the spoiling of the packaging
5 transportation of containers by sea and transshipment of the containers on the railway platforms — possibility of transporting the container to the client warehouse
— loading of the cargo is done directly in the container, avoiding the transshipment and therefore the spoiling of the packaging is minimized
— possibility of transporting low cargo amounts, by using 20ft wagons
— relatively long period spent in Turkish ports for loading the container on the vessel
6 transportation of containers by sea and transshipment of the cargo in CIS wagons
— possibility of transporting the container to the client warehouse
— possibility of transporting low cargo amounts, by using 20ft wagons
— comparing to option 5) the container is provided by the sea transportation companies — relatively long period spent in Turkish ports for loading the container on the vessel
— necessity of transshipment in CIS wagons increases the risk of the spoiling of the packaging
Услуги, похожие на Rail and sea forwarding/ transportation services from Poland/Turkey to Russia, Kazakhstan, Tadjikist
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На нашей площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный ID. Simplextrans SRL имеет ID 170043. Rail and sea forwarding/ transportation services from Poland/Turkey to Russia, Kazakhstan, Tadjikist имеет ID на сайте - 860022. Если у вас возникли сложности при работе с компанией Simplextrans SRL – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу технической поддержки.
Дата создания модели - 29/08/2013, дата последнего изменения - 19/11/2013. За все время товар был просмотрен 232 раза.