Assessment of movalbels complex, Кишинев

Цена: Цену уточняйте
за 1 ед.

  • Минимальный заказ - 1 ед.;
  • Дата добавления 10.03.2017;
  • Уникальный код - 6383249;
  • Предложение было просмотрено - 189;
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Описание товара

Assessment of movalbels complex (current assets) is a assessment service provided by local companies, the demand for which is small compared to other services. The rationale of this situation comes from the local economy with specific reference to the fact that the assessment of current assets is mainly used to insure a loan. To make an assessment of such property it is not necessary a possession of a assessment certificate, banks have their own appraisers, they set prices depending on the relationship of funding institution - customer.

Individual assessment of movables complex (current assets) provided by Eficient Consulting comes to solve a situation created in relations of client - financing institution: the borrower will always want to increase the market value of current assets to obtain a larget amount of money for the credit and banking experts will diminish as much as this value to cover risks of insolvency and sell these assets quickly.

Eficient Consulting assessment comes to cover the gap between the two sides, managing to provide those services to satisfy both the bank experts and the beneficiary of the assessment.

To assess the current assets there are needed various documents and information, including:

  • Registration Certificate + SRC Extracts (ID for individuals)

  • Documents confirming ownership (contracts, invoices, bills, claim, etc.).

  • Complete name of the goods

  • Number of inventory and stock value, etc.

The cost of assessment services of movables complex and the period of performance shall be established for each beneficiary in part, and is strictly dependent on the type of evaluation and assessment. At any time you can contact one of our appraisers or you can visit the company office to find out details about requested assessment services

Услуги, похожие на Assessment of movalbels complex

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Assessment of movalbels complex