Company patrymony assessment, Кишинев
Описание товара
Company patrimony assessment and its properties is one of the most complex rendered assessment services. These services include property and business valuations, intangible asset valuation, current asset valuation and assessment of real estate assets and other long-term assets. Evaluation of company assets is an effective tool for finding out the current market value of the entire business carried on by any company.
Eficient Consulting enables assessment of company property in view of various aspects of this evaluation:
Establishing investment value - the value of goods determined on the basis of their profitability
Establishing value of reconstruction - the total expenditure amount needed to create an exact copy of the building or construction valued calculated based on market prices at the date of assessment, applying the same materials and technologies used to construct the assessed object taking in consideration the wear 's.
Finding the market value of goods, etc.
Setting different values within the assessment of business assets allow the beneficiary to obtain real values on their property thus argued by concrete values, interests of investors and other stakeholders in carrying out transactions.
The most common situations in which it is necessary to assess the status of the company include:
Sale and purchase of businesses (or there patrimony)
Shareholders quotas redistribution within the patrimony of an enterprise
Additional emission of shares
Attracting foreign investors in the business
Property insurance
Liquidation of business, etc.
Moreover, the company patrimony assessment is prerequisite for patrimony litigation.
The cost of assessment services of company partimony and the period of performance shall be established for each beneficiary in part, and is strictly dependent on the type of evaluation and assessment. At any time you can contact one of our appraisers or you can visit the company office to find out details about requested assessment services.
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На нашей торговой площадке для удобства, каждой компании присвоен уникальный код. Eficient Consulting, SRL имеет ID 14132. Company patrymony assessment имеет код на сайте - 6383252. Если у вас обнаружились сложности при сотрудничестве с компанией Eficient Consulting, SRL – сообщите идентификаторы компании и товара/услуги в нашу службу по работе с клиентами.
Товар был добавлен на сайт 10/03/2017, дата последнего изменения - 10/03/2017. С начала размещения товар был просмотрен 166 раз.