Assessment of vehicles, Кишинев
Описание товара
The need for individual assessment of vehicles occurs for most of our country citizens. Assessment of vehicles involves estimating the actual value given the use of there accumulated depreciation and there technical characteristics.
Everyone should understand that an assessment of vehicles is required in every case to determine there true market value. Whether we lease vehicles, or we sell or buy them, or we submit them as a bank guarantee it is necessary to know what the real value of it is at the moment.
Overall there appear different situations when it is necessary to perform an assessment of vehicles:
There inclusion in the company's social capital
Transmission into management of vehicles
Lease of vehicles
Establishment of damage in an accident
Confirmation of the declared customs value
Insurance of a loan
Sale of vehicles
Set the value of them in a division of assets, etc.
Eficient Consulting provides assessment services of vehicles for any purpose of the evaluation. Among the documents required to assess vehicles can be found:
Registration Certificate + SRC Extracts (ID for individuals)
Technical passport of the vehicle
Number of inventory, complete and residual book value at the last reporting date before the valuation date (for companies)
Indication of the location of the vehicle and the number of traveled kilometers
The cost of these services and their term of performance can always be learned from our assessors or by visiting the company office. We guarantee quality services delivered in very short periods of time and at competitive prices individually agreed with each customer
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Общая информация:
- предложение было размещено на сайте 10.03.2017, время обновления – 10.03.2017. Следите за обновлениями на ресурсе, чтобы не упустить важную информацию;
- «Assessment of vehicles» размещены в разделах: «Услуги в сфере недвижимости», «Экспертные услуги по недвижимости, риелторская деятельность», «Эксперты по недвижимости», «Бюро экспертиз». Там же вы сможете посмотреть другие товары или услуги, которые могут быть вам интересны;
- количество просмотров сведений на отображенной странице портала – 153 раза.