Assessment of commercial and production assets, Кишинев
Описание товара
Development of economic activities in the Republic of Moldova imposed the necessity to provide evaluation services of production and commercial assets. This segment includes assessing premises, evaluation of offices, production room evaluations, and assessment of deposits; estimate the investment value of these real estates and other.
Assessment of commercial and production assets is a necessity for both individuals and legal entities as a result of:
Mortgage of real estate
Solving of patrimony dispute
Real estate insurance
Lease of premises
Goods porches and sale transactions
Estimate the true market value of real estate
Lay of goods in the social capital of the company, etc.
In estimating the value of real estate the assessor will take into account many factors that have an influence on the final price: real estate location, connection to communication systems, the scope of use of the property, the current status and maintenance, compliance with rules of fire prevention, connect to utilities, etc.
For an accurate estimation of production and commercial goods the following documents are required:
Registration Certificate + SRC extracts (ID for individuals)
Documents confirming ownership (sale - purchase contract, privatization certificate, lease agreement, legal heir certificate, court decision)
Documents confirming ownership of the underlying land (sale - purchase contract, title, lease agreement, legal heir certificate, court decision)
Building Plan (overall and by levels)
Cadastral plan of lot of underlying land
Extract from the Real Estate Register
Cadastral file
The cost of these services and their term of performance can always be learned from our assessors or by visiting the company office. We guarantee quality services delivered in very short periods of time and at competitive prices individually agreed with each customer
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Служебная информация
«Assessment of commercial and production assets» можно найти в следующей категории: «Бюро экспертиз».
Предложение было создано 10.03.2017, дата последнего обновления - 10.03.2017.
За это время предложение было просмотрено 191 раз.